MAYO国际代理运输 MEATH具竞争力的货代物流公司

We have built successful working relationships with a wide range of clients and authorities including exporters and distributers, importers, vessel owners, port and customs authorities, chartering brokers, trading houses and many more. Our reputation stems from our ability to provide reliable, efficient, economical management and operation of all manner of vessels (including container ships, research vessels, lighter vessels and tankers) of various tonnages.本公司是经商务部批准的一级货运代理企业,并获得交通部颁发的 N.V.O.C.C无船承运人资格,拥有多辆大型集装 箱拖车及箱式货车,并具有空运代理资格,是国内极具竞争力的货代物流公司。

企业核心业务包括各种货物的国际代理运输、海运、空运的进出口货物的代理报关,代理报检, 一般货物的国内运输、进出口贸易代理业务、进口货物的分拨、配送、堆场、仓储、 保税仓储等业务及其他相关配套增值服务。
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