
We are specialized for air freight & give guaranteed delivery on the promise date. Our Air freight is most competitive for major destinations which no one can match. NCC has maintained an excellent working relationship with all the prime carriers operating out of India. Due to this, we are in a position to offer our customers some of the most competitive rates, with minimum transit times. 依托多年的服务经验,优秀的员工队伍,完善服务网络以及强大的合作伙伴, 为众多国内外客户提供优质的服务。 具有多年的服务经验和一大批优秀的业务人员,公司于2007年8月加入在全球27个国家42家专业经营危险品,特殊货物.,包机等公司共同构筑的 DGLN网络,我们正努力将公司从传统货运代理企业转变成一个提供特种货物运输及物流服务的专业物流企业,我们的目标是在目前公司的基础上建立一个完善的物流网络,
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