
1 Unlike the traditional freight forwarders and trading companies, the strength of ADP Trade is to provide customers with the services covering both trading and logistics, with the thorough understanding of the whole process and the know-how of handling documents of all kinds. We free our customers from the complexities and redundancies with our cost effective and time efficient services.

We have 78 staff among which 45% are bachelors and masters. We also have a group of staff with high qualification and professionalism. There are 9 departments in ADP Trade and more than 100 branches and agents both in China and overseas.通过本地物流或快递发到客户手中。海外仓的蕞大优势是时效性强(相当于国内快递)客户体验好。但是也存在着由于销售预测不准、市场变化导致库存积压或缺货等问题。跨境物流模式不同,时效与运费也不一样,不同的物流商,服务质量也不一样。对于跨境新手而言,有太多东西需要了解了。而物流又是跨境不可或缺的一环,了解物流方式,能够让你更适应跨境行业的成本核算方式,说白了,就是让你可以更清楚,怎样成本才是蕞低的。据不完全统计,中国跨境电商出口业务70%的包裹都通过邮政系统投递,其中中国邮政占据60%左右的份额,邮政及新加坡邮政、荷兰邮政等也是中国跨境电商卖家常用的物流方式。优势:邮政网络基本覆盖全球,比其他任何物流渠道都要广。
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