
公司主营海上、航空、陆路国际货运代理业务以及仓储服务等。服务类型分为海运集装箱整箱、拼箱和散杂货业务,空运业务,集装箱卡车和散货卡车运输业务,仓储理货业务以及私人物品运输业务;服务方式有门到门、港到港、门到港、港到门;服务项目包括进出口及内贸货物运输之承揽、询价报价、方案制定、订舱配载、产地装箱、铁路下线、场站装箱、加固和熏蒸、散杂货地面服务、存储分拨、货物保险、报关报检、清关送货、运输信息跟踪、查询和反馈以及咨询服务。同时,对于三角贸易、转口贸易之货物运输亦可提供第三地放单和转港等服务。我们积极发展了一种创新可以蓬勃发展的文化。我们将继续投资于我们的人员、技术和基础设施,并实施创新解决方案以满足客户不断变化的需求,同时仍为我们的利益相关者提供最大价值,并保持我们与当地社区的合作伙伴关系。has two offices in Beijing and Shenzhen, Beijing office will mainly serve the Northern China, and Shenzhen for the Southern China.

We offer international air freight service from most of the major airports in China, e.g. Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Chengdu, etc. The main services include but not limit to:

● Booking
● Airport ground terminal service
● Packing, warehousing, loading/unloading
● Export customs clearance and inspection
● Export service under incoterms DAP and DDP
● Import customs clearance and delivery
● Import service under incoterms EXW
● Trade agent
● Insurance
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