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经纬度:37 ° 50'0"S,144 ° 58'0"E
锚地:38-20-00S 114-33-54E
海图号:AUS 154
港口类型:Deepwater Seaport
港口大小:Very Large


港务局: Port of Melbourne Corporation
地址: GPO Box 261
Melbourne, Victoria 3001
电话: +61 3 9628 7555
传真: +61 3 9628 7550


(INCL.YARRAVILLE:37-50-00S/144-54-00E, WILLIAMSTOWN:37-52-00S/144-54-00E) FUE:ALL GRADES DRY DOCKS:FLOATING DOCK:156.00M x 24.00M SAME AS PORT MELBOURNE 澳大利亚商港。位于该国东南维多利亚州波特菲利普湾顶端、亚拉河口,港市之南,临巴斯海峡。港区包括亚拉河港区,亚拉维尔港区,新港区,威廉斯顿港区。墨尔本城港区和韦布港区等几部分。亚拉河港区靠近墨尔本城中心,是个老港区,船舶沿亚拉河口入港,航道水深低潮时9.7米,码头自东向西有: 南码头,在亚拉河南岸,有30多个泊位,其中第15-32号泊位沿边水深8.5-9.4米,为沿海和远洋杂货、散货码头。 北码头,在亚拉河北岸,有17个泊位,其中9-17号泊位水深8.1-9.7米,第12-17号泊位有铁路通达,第9号泊位为散水泥码头。 维多利亚港池,为北岸控制的港池,东北-西南向伸展,港池中还有一个由东北岸向西南沿伸展的小突堤,该港池沿边有21个泊位,另有3个从港池西北岸延伸到河岸的泊位,沿边水深8.5-11.0米,其第1-4号泊位与北码头第13-17号泊位相邻,码头上也有铁路通达;第5、6号泊位是为新西兰和沿岸滚装船上下;西北岸第16-24号泊位码头上有铁路通达; 阿普勒顿港池,亦为亚拉河北岸控入的水域,其西北岸有B、C、D、E、F五个泊位,码头线总长975米,水深10.3米,码头上也有铁路通达,其中D泊位为集装箱码头; 斯温逊港池码头,为北岸向北伸展的水域,两侧共有7个泊位,泊位线总长1650米,水深13.1米,为全港最主要集装箱装卸区。亚拉维尔港区在亚拉港区下游西岸,沿河有6个散货泊位,水深7.1-10.4米,为散糖、尿素、散化肥、硫磺装卸区;其南有荷尔丹石油港池,一个水深10米的泊位,新港区在亚拉河口西岸,有马里比港石油化工码头,水深10米。威廉斯敦港区在河口外西岸的岬角上,有向东北伸展的防波堤突堤(内侧213米)和吉利勃兰德突堤码头东南侧89米,水深达11.8米,为原油液化气输入用。墨尔本港区在海湾正北,与亚拉河港区相背,有两个向南伸展的突堤,两侧各有2个水深10-11米的泊位,东突堤用于车客渡,两突堤为石油公司专用。韦布码头区在亚拉河口西部,有5个泊位,水深仅7-11米,为沿海和远洋滚装船,吊装船集装箱装卸用。全港有80个以上泊位,其中包括8个全集装箱泊位在内的深水泊位60多个。集装箱装卸居南半球首位。港外,水路至阿得莱港514海里,至弗里曼特尔1652海里,至悉尼520海里,至新西兰的奥克兰1644海里,至香港5075海里。以于世纪110个国家200多个港口联系,1980年与中国天津港结为友好港。“中远”在此设有驻外机构。


Wilbraham Liardet first settled Port Melbourne in 1839 when he established a mail service, hotel, and jetty there. Taking on the name of Sandridge at first, it was officially named Port Melbourne in 1884. The port became a thriving transport hub in the 1850s when the Victorian gold rush brought many new settlers and Australia's first rail line connected Sandridge to Melbourne. Station Pier was a major entry point for new immigrants.
Much industry has left the inner city, and today it's largely a residential suburban center. But Port Melbourne is still a major transportation hub for passenger and cargo vessels. It is host to many cruise ships who berth at Station Pier during Australia's summer months, with peak berthing during November, January, and February.
Port Commerce
Over 3500 commercial ships call at the port every year. Port Melbourne has 30 commercial berths. On an average day, the port handles 700 motor vehicles, over 500 tons of coffee and tea, 750 tons of timber, 1300 tons of chemicals, and over 10,000 tons of petroleum in addition to more than 15,000 tons of food and dairy products.
Australia's Victorian Government established the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) under the Port Services Act of 1995. Portfolio responsibility rests with the Victorian Minister for Roads and Ports, but the PoMC is responsible for the safe and efficient movement of shipping and the management of shipping channels.
Maritime facilities managed by PoMC include more than 100 nautical miles of shipping channels and fairways between Port Phillip Bay and the berths in Port Melbourne. Recognizing the worldwide trend to deeper, larger container ships, PoMC has proposed deepening existing main shipping channels to provide safe efficient access for ships of up to 14m draught. Dredging was scheduled to start in February 2008 and be completed in December 2009.
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