Shenzhen LCL

公司有着多年的为广大客户提供参展物流服务的宝贵经验,拥有完善的代理网络,为客户提供前往世界各地的各种展览的门到门的整套物流服务,包括(整柜、散货和空运等)。服务内容涵盖了展前的方案设计,出口口岸和进口口岸临时进出口报关,从卸货港运送到展台的服务,展厅内的物流服务,展览期间在目的港安排专人提供查询和跟踪服务,可以让客户非常快捷的掌握货物情况,展会结束后的相关撤展工作等,并且根据展会具体要求和客户的实际情况为客户制定高效物流配送方案,为客户节省大量的参展运输成本,让客户轻松、顺利的参展和撤展。以 “管家式”的服务理念,为客户创造更大价值。company founded in 2007 with branch offices in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Shanghai,Qingdao and Tianjin, allied with agents, airlines and shipping liners all over main cities in China. Our principle is to listen and value every our people and customer(s), well understand our clients' needs by providing services with heart and profession to meet their satisfaction. We constantly strive to develop better, more efficient ways to do business whatever it is by implementing cutting-edge technology, increasing the number of services we provide, expanding our network of branches. Choose HY, Choose your professional logistics' partner.
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