
且具備專業且豐富的物流經驗。不論你是要出口至大陸, 或由大陸回台灣及出口至世界各地, 不論是整櫃或併櫃甚或數公斤的小貨, 不論你在大陸及台灣是否有進出口牌照, 我們都能忠於所託, 完成你所交付的使命。貨暢其流是我們的職責, 你的支持及愛護是我們成長茁壯的基礎。而我們正是許多企業主所需求的配合物件,我們擁有價格上的優勢、專業的團隊、優質的服務和最重要的帶給您的安定感,希望能以薄利多量之理念來帶給各企業朋友更多的選擇機會。(landed duty paid) is a terms of trade, the seller is satisfied with the finished price of import duty the same as the port of delivery, the seller own risk and expense, to provide an import license, pay any import taxes, including customs border inspection fees, and because of imports of goods and the buyer have to pay any other taxes or fees. LDP American favorite mode of transport, we have registered in the U.S. import trade company, one-stop service provider for the LDP import license, duty-paid delivery to the characteristics of portal services.

Our company engaged in textile exports to the United States LDP service has more than ten years of history, that is, door to door service, providing for the clearance of textile exporters plan!

You only need to provide the delivery destination and packing list, all the rest of the work to us, we present you a perfect and intimate one-stop service.
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