
It’s likely that a cargo vessel will transport your sea freight in a shipping container from India to the USA. Standard containers are either 20ft or 40ft-long and open at one end. Your forwarder may recommend a specialist container for your freight, such as one with refrigeration or ventilation capabilities.

Whichever container is deemed best for your cargo, there are two ways to import from India to the USA by ocean: LCL and FCL. Both forms of ocean shipping will meet your port-to-port, door-to-door, door-to-port or port-to-door delivery needs. Here are some of the things you should consider before deciding which is best for you:拥有自己的报关报检行、船代公司,对报关、报检、租船订舱、制单、集装箱进出口拆装箱、拼箱、仓储、大宗散货(铁矿、锰矿、铬矿、镍矿等矿产类及有色金属)、钢材、焦炭、液体化工、木材、内贸转运、保税业务、集装箱自卸车队等方面丰富的经验。在天津港国际物流发展有限公司内拥有20万平米进口集装箱矿石堆场;及港内海关监管散货矿石堆场。公司自有铲车、集装箱牵引车等各种特种机械30余台,为我们携手合作国内外贸易提供了非常便捷的仓储物流转运服务。公司进出口总量达800多万吨。其中散货约700万吨,集装箱约4万标箱,在天津港名列前茅。
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