BUSAN International Trade

“想企业之所需,解客户之所急”是旺嘉人要求具备的基本现念。客户提出的要求,是我们发展的动力,客户潜在的需求,也是西岸努力的方向。客户的需求是多方面和多层次的,从单纯的海运订舱,到代理商检、报关、拖车、联运等一站式服务;从单纯的业务往来,到全方面的业务咨询;从货运代理的选择到国际收付风险的控制;从单纯的最低价格需求,到性价比的最佳组合。客户多方位和多层次的需要,推动旺嘉专业性和综合性业务的不断发展。这使旺嘉从一个单纯的货代企业,发展到成为集报关、国际运输、仓储、进出口代理为一体的第三方物流企业。旺嘉坚持把客户的需要放在首位,通过不断地自我完善,不断地解决客户提出的问题,在满足客户需要的同时,也为企业创造了价值。 Air-transportation Department: offer safe and agile service on space booking, insurance handling, supervision transportation etc.
Sea-transportation Department: offer integrated service on shipping space booking, transition, insurance, devanning and less-than-container, supervision transportation, short distance transportation etc.
International Trade Department: offer service on imp & exp agency, international trade, transit trade, processing trade and commodity exhibition etc.
Customs Clearance Department: with experienced Inspector and Customs Clearance Officer who is on top of operational knowledge and process, we can offer client the first-quality service on imp & exp declaration, customs clearance, imp & exp inspection and quarantine procedures etc..
Market Department: offer integrated solutions based on development of our clients in china and abroad, collecting and settling the market information, so we can participate in internal supply chain directly, provide the third party logistics services including project design, systematic analysis and implementation.
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