
1. 不断开发货代市场,收集整理市场信息,为客户提供询价、运价管理服务。
  2. 对外揽货,提供托运委托,货运代理合同签定服务。
  3. 提供订舱、配载、报检、报关一系列服务。
  4. 签发全程提单,为客户安排集装箱门到门运输、码头装箱、仓库出口装箱业务。
  5. 为客户处理进出口货物的短溢、残损、理赔等业务。
  6. 代办保险、动植物检验检疫、货物熏蒸。
  7. 结算运费、制作运费单证、代收代付相关费用。
The company and the international courier company (DHL, FEDEX, TNT, UPS, EMS, etc.), postal packets, aviation / shipping companies in close cooperation, can provide a safe and efficient global transportation services for your company. The company has a good business, good management, experienced and innovative management and a lean, efficient and vibrant team, dedicated to you to build trade bridges, reduce operating costs, efficient flow of goods. Adhering to the "professional, efficient and trustworthy" service Zunzhi, abide by the "treasure entrusted perfect" service commitment. To establish a long-term stable cooperative relations with your company is, the company will be the best service, lowest fees, provide you with reasonable safety of operation.

The company is committed to continuously improve services and continuously improve efficiency, and continuously strengthen management, and strive to make customer and agent satisfaction. We always carry out customer, agent for the center; services for the purpose; to customers, agents of the requirements for the mission; to all the partners together for profit. We cherish every customer and agent commission, loyalty to your shipment and cargo fast, accurate and safe destination.
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